Tuesday, March 14, 2017


          As I am sitting home on a snow day, all I can think about is my trip to Mexico on April 12th. I have never been to Mexico, so I am patiently waiting to go. I have heard many extravagant things about Mexico including the beaches, resorts, and food. The resort I am going to is an all-inclusive resort, meaning everything is included (food, drinks, amenities). I booked this vacation back in December, but now that it is getting closer, I am getting more and more anxious and excited. The one and only thing I am worried about is flying, which explains why I am anxious. If there is one thing that terrifies me the most, it is flying. However, I know once I get to the resort and start to enjoy my vacation, it will be all worth it. All I know is I cannot wait to relax in the hot sun with refreshing drinks and delicious food especially after all this cold weather and snow.

patiently: ability to wait for a long time without getting annoyed
extravagant: very fancy
all-inclusive: including everything in one price
anxious: afraid or nervous
terrifies: to cause someone to be afraid
refreshing: making you feel more rested, energetic, and cool

Vocabulary Exercise:
Fill in each blank with one of the vocabulary words listed above

1.   I went to an ____________________ resort where everything was included in the one price I     payed.
2.   Even though I was very hungry, I _____________ waited for my food to be ready.
3.   I had the most __________________ drink when I was relaxing by the pool.
4.   We went to a very ________________ restaurant that had many fancy food options on the menu.
5.   Seeing a scary movie  _______________ me.
6.   I am very _________________ waiting to see my grade in my final exam.

Grammar Point:
An adverb is a word used to modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb. Many adverbs end with "ly" when it changes from an adjective to an adverb. For example the underlined words in the sentences below are adjectives that turned into adverbs.
Valerie swims quickly.
She carefully held the glass vase.

Find the adverb in my paragraph that changed from an adjective to an adverb. Think of 5 more adjectives that can be turned into an adverb by adding "ly." Write a sentence for each.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice trip you have planned! I like he way you describe what you will be doing and the visual aid.
